Monday, September 15, 2008

Favorite Person (People of the Week!)

World, meet two of the coolest people to ever grace the planet. One has been here for some time (Ilya) and the other has recently joined this world and has since made a huge splash. I swear that isn't a chunky joke although Aaron Franklin Doff is the cutest most roly polliest of all babies. Aaron is the baby of Rachael, who is my co-worker and more importantly, my friend.

Aaron was born in April and since then has been the newest employee of Operation HOPE, and I may add it's cutest and probably it's hardest working. Seriously people, this kid spends most of his waking hours at the office and he never cries or complains (which is far more than the rest of us to manage to do). He is passed around from person to person and goes from office to office spreading his baby love and cheer. Aaron joins an already large clan and has two older brothers and one older sister all of which are amazing kids so he has a high bar set for him.

And the next awesome person is Ilya!!! Ilya is the loudest talking, funniest, and greatest person. She is awesome at listening to my incessant complaining about various topics, laughing at all of my jokes, going on daily Starbucks trips with me and loudly telling random strangers on the street that I like them and want to make sexy times with them (which as inappropriate as it is equal in hilarity!) If ever I want to laugh or be picked up out of a bad mood I go directly so see Ilya and she fixes me every time! And to add to the amazing things about Ilya, she also does magic and can balance a baby on her lap with no hands!

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