Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twas the week before Christmas and Paul and me hadn't yet gotten our first Christmas tree.

So we went hunting for our perfect that would be love by all 4 of us equally.

We saw lighted reindeer and flocked Christmas trees...It was a cold wintry night we worried we may freeze.
Paul found a tree but it wasn't just right...we continued to search even if it took all the night.

Paul searched and searched but his quest wouldn't was no object for the right tree, we would spend!
We looked for signs to lead us to a tree...we needed to sniff one out, too bad we didn't bring Jack and Charlie.
I found a tree I thought was the perfect choice...but then I heard a small little voice.

It told me to keep searching the perfect tree was yet to be found...we hadn't yet covered quite enough ground.
There were so many it was like a needle in a haystack...once we made our choice there was no turning back.
I could feel it in my bones our search was coming to a close...and luckily it happened before we both froze!
It was our Christmas Tree in all it's this is the end of our Christmas tree story...

Our search was worth it to Paul and me...because we finally found our perfect tree.
Our hearts are so filled I'm sure that they've grown because we are taking our tree to it's new home!

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