Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ramblings from a Rambler

Life can change in a instant. A few short months ago I was in an empty house sleeping on a air mattress wondering what else life could throw my way to test my strength. Now, I find myself in transition to a new job, moving back to the city where I grew up, in a relationship with someone who makes me happier than I can remember ever being with someone EVER...and still sleeping on an air mattress. At the end of this month I will be starting a new journey and I couldn't be happier or in a better place in life.
Goodbye LA Walk
For the last couple of mornings Ilya and I have decided to document our last days together. Today I bring you....the Starbucks walk.
This is typically the moment where a homeless man tries to make sexy times with me or Ilya or where Ilya yells loudly about the weather.
Oh Starbucks, how I love you. Your venti shaken black iced teas, your venti iced red inability to ever order you sweetened for fear I will be judged over the mass quantity of Splenda that I put in you. I can't quit you downtown LA Starbucks....if only there were another Starbucks on this planet...wait what?
Ilya loves her some Starbucks too. She gets a butter croissant - which is important information to note should you ever be asked to bring her something back from a Starbucks run.

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